About Us

Our Core


The LS Partnership Drives the LS Family's management philosophy, which creates ‘Greater Value Together’


Drive Change for 2030


Futuring Smart Energy: We open up a brighter future through efficient and convenient energy solutions.


Our key values are AGILITY, CHALLENGE, EXCELLENCE. These three values are the core principles governing all our work activities.

LS Cable & System

By the Numbers



2.5 B


9168 +




LS Cable & System USA

Our Story

LS Cable & System, headquartered in Anyang, South Korea, was established in May 1962 and is a worldwide leader in medium voltage, high voltage, and extra high voltage underground cables. With 21 subsidiary companies throughout the world, LS has more than 60 factories, sales and production sites in 20 countries. In April 2017, the LS Group acquired the Energy Division of Superior Essex to create a subsidiary under the LS Cable & System umbrella. 

Today, LS Cable & System USA is a leading US manufacturer and supplier of electrical products serving the commercial, industrial, renewable and utility markets. 

We offer Low Voltage 300V and 600V instrumentation cables for control systems, audio, intercoms, energy management, and alarm controls; Low Voltage 600V control and power cables for your industrial or utility power or station control circuits; Medium Voltage 5kV through 46kV power cables for wind and solar applications, as well as primary power and distribution circuits, in full compliance with US industry standards.

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